Who we are
ESCOROM is a non-governmental organization founded in 2015 by an initiative group consisting of both companies and independent consultants.
ESCOROM represents Romanian energy service companies with experience in designing, executing, supplying equipment, operating, maintaining, monitoring, verifying the results obtained and in financing energy efficiency projects through energy performance contracts – EPC.
Implement and respect in Romania the existing legislative framework at the level of the European Union, priority being given to the Energy Service Companies (ESCO) and to the increase of the energy efficiency both in the private sector and in the public sector.
Improving the national legislative framework in the field of energy efficiency services and its harmonization with the EU Directives, having as a priority the adoption of a Public Power Sector Contract model in order to support both the beneficiaries of these services and the ESCOROM members in the development and increasing business profitability.


Press release
Romania’s energy strategy 2019-2030 – ESCOROM point of view
Supporting the measures needed to increase energy efficiency, in addition to direct effects (reducing energy intensity and specific consumption, reducing GHG), will also have benefits such as the creation of new jobs for specialists with university education and the development of industrial branches which produce the necessary efficient technical systems (equipment, installations, measuring instruments and monitoring systems etc.). Sustainable results in this direction can only be achieved by creating the necessary legal framework for the functioning of ESCO-type companies, which provide integrated energy efficiency services (design-implementation-operation-monitoring.